Fork Theory has some changes to it!

Fork Theory is for those with mental illnesses.
The same basis applies : the fork theory is to help explain how those with mental illness have to ration their energy

Forks = Energy

Except, this time, your amount of forks in the morning can change.
Instead of 200 each morning, or 50 each morning, you can have 20 forks one morning and 60 forks the next morning.

Nightmares, not getting enough sleep, not eating enough, etc., can decrease the amount of forks you get in the morning

Just like having something good happen to you can make the amount of forks in the morning increase

Proper medication and therapy can also increase the amount of forks you have in the morning

Also, with fork theory, you can receive forks throughout the day - but you can only pay forks to get forks

Let's say a person that is mentally ill wakes up with 80 Forks

Getting Out of Bed takes 5 forks
Making Breakfast takes away 3 forks
Showering takes away 6 forks
Getting Dressed takes away 2 forks
Doing Your Hair takes away 3 forks

  • 80

  • - 5 forks

  • - 3 forks

  • - 6 forks

  • - 2 forks

  • - 3 forks

= 61 forks

But! We can get forks back, remember?
So, maybe getting into the shower takes away 6 forks
But, if you complete the shower, then you'll get 8 forks back
And maybe, making breakfast takes 3 forks, but gives you 4 forks!

  • 80

  • - 5 forks

  • - 3 forks

  • + 4 forks

  • - 6 forks

  • + 8 forks

  • - 2 forks

  • - 3 forks

= 73

Great, right?
So you can just keep gaining forks and it'll be okay?
Unless you don't have enough forks to pay upfront.
Remember - you have to pay forks to get forks.

Someone wakes up and is having a bad depressive episode. It hurts to move, and they can't think about anything except how much they hate themselves, and how much they want to die.

They only have 2 forks.

They can't shower to get the 8 forks - the shower costs 6 forks upfront.
They can't get out of bed - that costs 5 forks

The forks are right there. All you have to do is get out of bed and take a shower.
But you don't have enough forks to get there.

It can be really, really difficult, especially when you're stuck in a depressive episode for days

Having someone with you can increase forks, too! Having someone to sit with you, or hold your hand, and patiently help you can increase forks

Having someone tell you to "try harder" or "just get over it" can take away forks

With those with mental health issues, it's better to just be there and support and encourage them with patience and kindness than to push them

( Made with Carrd )